What You Should Know
Routine maintenance such as changing filters can be handled by most consumers, but others require professional service. It takes specialised to carry out in-depth inspections of your Air-conditioning system.
An actual annual maintenance of an air conditioner calls for experienced hands and should not be taken lightly as there are several things that require careful calibration and checking which can eliminate a lot of problems.

Air Conditioner Service Package
Subscribe to our service packages to be hassle free for whole year and saves more on cost.
Bi Monthly Package 6X
6 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units
Bi Monthly Package 2X
2 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

Bi Monthly Package 2X
2 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units

Tri Yearly Package 3X
3 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units
Tri Yearly Package 3X
3 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

Tri Yearly Package 3X
3 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units

Quarterly Package 4X
4 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units
Quarterly Package 4X
4 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

Quarterly Package 4X
4 Times/ Year

2 fan-coil units

3 fan-coil units

4 fan-coil units

5 fan-coil units

6 fan-coil units

Air Conditioner General Service
It is suitable for both residential and commercials. Air conditioning systems are regulated appliances that required an expert proper maintenance to ensure the aircon system running at its optimal level.
1 fan-coil unit
2 fan-coil units
3 fan-coil units
4 fan-coil units
5 fan-coil units
*For 6 units & above, please contact us for quotation.

Scope of Work
- Aircon Filter Cleaning
- Brush/Vacuuming
- Evaporator Coil
- Blower Wheel Cleaning
- Drainage Tray Cleaning
- Vacuuming/Flushing of Drainage System
- Front Panel/External Casing Cleaning
- Lubricate Moving Component (if necessary)
- Checking of Refrigerant System
Air Conditioner Gas Top Up
It is critical to ensure that the aircon unit refrigerant gas is at its optimal level to run efficiently. Low refrigerant gas level will lead to energy wastage and makes the cooling less effective.
R22 Gas
$50 – $150
R410A Gas
$80 – $180
R32 Gas
$120 – $180
*For VRV/VRF system, please contact us for quotation.

Chemical Overhaul (9K to 15K BTU)
In situation when your evaporator coils have been clogged by dust that cannot be remove by doing general servicing, chemical overhaul would be recommended. Chemical overhaul ensure your coils are thoroughly cleaned to avoid issue such as water leakages or A/C not cold.
1 fan-coil unit
2 fan-coil units
3 fan-coil units
*For 4 units & above, please contact us for quotation.
*For 18K BTU & above, please contact us for quotation.

Scope of Work
- Dismantle/Removal of Entire Fan-Coil Unit
- Chemical Overhaul of Evaporator Coil & Parts
- Vacuuming/Flushing of Drainage System
- Checking All Control & Setting
- Lubricate Moving Component (if necessary)
- Vacuuming/Flushing of Drainage System
- Re-install of Entire Fan-Coil Unit
- Testing & Commissioning of System
Range of Benefits
We are dedicated to helping our customers buy and maintain their air conditioning units as affordably as possible. That’s why we work incredibly hard to keep our costs low while maintaining our extremely high level of quality. We know that air conditioning is a need, not a want and we are sensitive to being as easy on our customers wallets as possible throughout the purchase, repair, and maintenance of their air conditioning units.

High Quality
We guarantee our materials, labour, and workmanship.

Best Solutions
We can provide the best solution for your system.

Quality Service at Affordable Prices.

Friendly Staff
Our trained Comfort Specialists are friendly, and knowledgeable
It's Time To Get More Comfort
We are here to provide more information answer any question about our services you may have.